Spring Skiing Style

*Photo courtesy of skiutah.com

Hit the Slopes with Latest Spring Ski Equipments.

Spring skiing isn’t just about the goggle tans. It isn’t just about the tailgating in the parking lot. It isn’t just about the pond skimming or the partying out in the sun. It is about the style! The outrageous outfits you and your buddies wear as you mob down the mountain together. Whether you are wearing your retro one-piece, or rockin’ your Hawaiian shirt with denim cut-off jeans, the crazier the outfit, the more fun you will be having on the slopes. We collected some pictures to give you a guide as to what is acceptable attire on the slopes for spring skiing.


The Hawaiian

Photo courtesy of tahoskiworld.com


The Beach Babe

Photo courtesy of siberiantimes.com


The Retro Shredder

Photo courtesy of dcski.com


The Denim Ripper

Photo courtesy of skinet.com


The Animal Lover

Basically...ANYTHING GOES!

Photo courtesy of tetongravity.com


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